Fitness Contract
As I sit here at my desk and work on the first paper of my first Masters class I am forced to make a plan to self-modify a problem. Although the book states that it is often difficult to identify the problem you would like to change, that is not the case for me. I know exactly what problem I want to change. Part of this "plan" is to sign a contract. As I printed this contract and was tying out this paper for class, I realized "styleberryHOME" was right - it is time to start a blog for my passion - FITNESS!!! And, to get out of this depressed, feeling sorry for myself rut that I have been in for 4-6 weeks since my husband has been out of town.
This is the perfect start to my contract. I will post my "before" pictures later...when I have really good "after" pictures. Or maybe never. I don't know if pictures of my butt hanging out of the bottom of a bikini bottom should ever be on the internet. We'll see about that one.
My goal is to someday use this blog to post publish my journey onto stage as a figure competitor.
I am not using Bob Greene's plan but I do listen to his radio show and really enjoy it. I love that he truly lives his life continually with what he believes. His walks the walk daily. I truly believe in what he preaches as I do most all of the fitness and nutrition experts we have at our disposal. But, for some reason, I am hard core for 6 months and then I waiver for 3-6 months and then I'm back again. I may be too hard core when I am working hard and it is unsustainable. I also have the problem that when I reach the goal (or get to where I am happier with myself) I don't fight like hell to keep it. I feel like I deserve to look this way and I let is slip away.
I have a lot to learn about myself and how to be the best person I can be. I have a lot to learn about my body issues and how to turn those into positives and work with those the best I can. My contract is signed. I have to eat consciously and not because I'm depressed my husband is gone!
I hope you will join me in my journey and help me out through this and all of my other life's endevours....