Saturday, January 24, 2009


My favorite fit celebrity is Jessica Biel. She has the perfect "off season" body in my opinion. That is the ideal physique that I am seeking to have on a regular basis. She, even, struggles and like all of us looks different each month, depending on where she is her life and her workouts/eating habits. She does work hard for her body though as we can see in the many shots the paparazzi have taken of her working out.

Jessica Biel doing a track workout. Great for the glutes.
I really should take the time to plan some of these into my routine.
Jenny Lynn does them before her competitions to lean out her bottom half.

At the gym






About This Blog

I am Tori (FITori) and welcome to my blog!!!

I created this blog from the encouragement of my best friend who pushed me to start a blog about my passion, which I am always talking about! It started as a way to inspire others the way I have been inspired and to share what inspires me. I also want to share with you what I have learned through my years of research on health and fitness.

For me, this blog is a great place for me to document my fitness journey. I decided to compete this year, but have transferred that goal to next year so that I can bulk and compete in Figure. This blog is my accountability and hopefully I can get some advice and tips along the way. I am hoping that I can learn from you all also as I post what I am learning along the way. If I am wrong or there is advice for me, I want it! I want your theories. What are you doing differently?

I'm also looking for accountability to keep this up and inspiration from you all. I read your blogs and get inspired and knowing you're reading mine keeps me going!

Thank you for your support!!! Let me know if you have any special requests for blog posts!


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